Another Review in ‘the Voice’: The Official Journal of the Friends of Speedway
When Eagles Dared – by Jeff Scott.
First I should say that I haven’t had time to read this entire book but I shall certainly finish it. This is a much more relaxed effort than Jeff’s first offering, Showered in Shale. His real love of Speedway and the Eastbourne Eagles in particular, and his sense of humour come through in this publication as he tracks the Eagles through the ups and downs of the 2005 season.
Jeff states that he means the book, like speedway, to provide entertainment and it does. This is something to pick up at random and read up on a match or two. In his “Afterword” (thank goodness it’s not a Footnote!) he hopes it will be looked on as a piece of social history – perhaps it will. The downside? Still footnotes to interrupt the flow of the action and photographs that are so indistinct that they give a rather amateurish look to the publication.
A final question for the author – does your comment about the back seat of a stretched limo come from personal experience, or is this the basis for another book?
by Sue Jackson-Scott [no relation!] in ‘the Voice: The Official Journal of the Friends of Speedway’
This excellent and always independent minded quarterly magazine is a must read for speedway fans and can be ordered (£10 for four issues) from:
Stuart Towner
117 Church Lane
Surrey KT9 2DP
0208 397 6599