Speedway Limerick Competition
A fun chance to win a signed copy of one of my Methanol Press books by submitting a speedway limerick.
Please email your Speedway Limerick using the ‘Email the author’ link at the bottem of my website home page (put “Speedway Limerick” in the subject heading and include your postal address, phone number. Please state whether you’d prefer to win ‘Showered in Shale’ or ‘When Eagles Dared’) by the closing date of March 31st to enter
I will then publish the best ones on my blog and announce the winner
For advice on the style of a limerick click here
Two early entries are:
An earnest young writer called Scott
Went off to the track like a shot
He got showered with shale
At each ground without fail
with his pen and his pad like as not.
[Graham Russel]
A Champion rider called Mauger,
By now is quite an old stauger,
But he’s so in demand
throughout all the land,
We should issue him with a pauger.
[The Reverend Michael Whawell]